Saturday, May 18, 2013

Free Workout Music Downloads

So I've had the same music for awhile now and need to switch it up a bit. I compiled a short list of websites where you can find some free music downloads. None of the songs are the original tracks by the artist. These are either mashups or remixes which are fun because they all have a good beat to workout/run to. I also didn't include a lot of sites you will find when you google free downloads because they seemed weird or sketchy.

So this one is my favorite!! They have 4 albums worth of mashups totally free absolutely no catch. The mashups are fun and I like listening to them for the first time while I'm out running because it's always a surprise to see which artists they mash up. Pretty funny but definitely explicit content since they use rap music a lot. Some of the albums are separate songs while other albums are one long track. The long ones are fun because the songs/mashups mix into each other but the separate ones are nice when you have your music on shuffle.

So you do have to enter an email address to get the download but oh well. These are remixes of the original tracks so they are just a little more workout friendly.

Same company as the one before but just different free songs/remixes

This links to one of the free albums of mashups I liked but they have a lot more on the website

Free 60 min track. Has 3 different options for beats per minute/intensity. You do have to enter an email address. It's free but I wasn't a huge fan of the mixes.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Oven Roasted Cauliflower

I make this ALL the time but have been forgetting to take pictures and post the recipe. It's super easy and versatile. I've listed the ingredients that I used this past time and that you see in the picture but I've also mixed it up with mexican seasoning, cheese, italian seasoning, sriracha and ginger, and other stuff. Basically whatever seasoning you like. Also this is a GREAT staple to substitute pastas/rice. For a quick dinner the other night I made this,heated up some chicken meatballs, and added a little sauce. It was tasty, filling, and satisfying without all the extra carbs.

  • Cauliflower (has better taste if you use it the day, or soon after, you buy it. Sometimes it can taste funny after sitting in the fridge for a few days.)
  • Olive oil - couple tablespoons for each half head of cauliflower
  • Seasoning: salt, pepper, garlic powder, dash of cayenne pepper
  • Parmesan Cheese
  • Preheat oven to 450 degrees
  • Cut cauliflower into florets
  • place in pan or on baking sheet
  • Coat with olive oil and seasoning of choice
  • Bake 7 min. Take out and toss. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and place back in oven
  • Bake additional 7 minutes or so and remove. Top with a little bit more cheese and enjoy
When I do it my florets look like this...

And the final product!