BodyRock Experiences was really the first motivation and push for me to start getting healthy and fit. I do go through phases of sticking with it and slacking off. As I've said, this is a journey (and definitely has it's ups and downs). But I thought I should put all things BodyRock in one places since I've made many posts about my experiences with it. Please check out their website here if you want to get started with it. It's really an amazing thing, free work outs that really work and their community provides lots of tips and support.

1st 30 Day Challenge--Start/Calendar

1st 30 Day Challenge--Week 1 Update

1st 30 Day Challenge--Week 2 Update

1st 30 Day Challenge--Week 3 Update

1st 30 Day Challenge--Week 4 issues/confusing

1st 30 Day Challenge--Completed (before/after pics)

What to use for free equipment

2nd 30 Day Challenge--Start/Week 1

2nd 30 Day Challenge--Week 3

2nd 30 Day Challenge--Completed (before/after pics)

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