Thursday, September 20, 2012

Baked Salmon and Secret to No More "Fishy" Taste

So my dad has thought me the secret to making fish, mainly salmon because it is the best thing ever, not taste fishy. I have also included the recipe for the salmon I made for dinner two nights ago. Mmmmmm :)

The Secret:
  • Fill bowl or deep dish with one part plain distilled vinegar and two parts salt water (about a small handful of salt... say about a Tablespoon for every couple cups of water)
  • Rinse salmon in cold water and place in bowl or deep dish with vinegar and water
  • Let sit for 45 min to an hour and then rinse, marinate, and cook how you choose

My Baked Asian Sesame Salmon:
  • I followed the above directions with about 1 cup of vinegar and about 2 cups of water and a small handful of salt. Let sit for 45 min and then rinse.
  • In new bowl I mixed about a half cup of soy sauce half of light asian sesame dressing and about a half cup of garlic balsamic marinade in a bowl (use any sauce/marinade you think taste good)
  • Place salmon in bowl and make sure both sides are covered in marinade. If you have a large plastic bag this may work well too as you can turn it and coat it easier.
  • Let fish marinade for 30-45 min.
  • Preheat oven to 450 degrees
  • Place salmon on baking sheet (if you have aluminum foil cover sheet with it because it makes clean up 100X easier b/c the marinade will stick) and pour about a 1/3 of your marinade on top.
  • Bake for about 15-20 min flipping fish half way through and adding more marinade if you choose. (Don't add any more marinade after half way or at end since it had raw food in it)
  • When it's done it should be a nice light pink color (in my picture it looks more white than pink but thats the camera)
  • If it needs to go a little longer you can turn the heat down to about 350 and give it a couple more minutes.
  • Enjoy!

I served with steamed/sautéed asparagus. If you want to make this coat pan with a little bit of olive oil and turn to medium. cut about 1/2 inch to inch off the bottom of the asparagus spears. Place in pan and toss to coat them with olive oil. Season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Cover with lid for about 7 min flipping/turning them a couple times. Then uncover and cook for another few minutes turning regularly. This helps them not get too soggy and be somewhere between steamed, sautéed, and grilled.  Sorry I don't time everything perfectly. I will try to start doing that more to give exact times. But cook them until they are to your liking. I'm a picker so I try everything as I cook until it's where I want it.

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