Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New BodyRock Challenge

October/November 30 Day Challenge

Alright so after healing my foot and then taking a week off from bodyrock (eeek I know... more on that later) I have started a new 30 Day Challenge. This one is set up a bit differently than the May 30 Day Challenge. There will be instructed/real time work outs, usually 12 min, and then a bonus work out (3 min) Monday through Friday each week. My goal is to do another 30 Day Challenge following these work outs that started on Oct. 15. I will do the Monday through Friday and I also will begin running again this week. I started my new 30 days yesterday (10/29). I also plan on adding in extra sets here and there or some extra free weight work outs because I want to push myself a little more this time around and this challenge doesn't have the specific sculpt work outs like the May Challenge did.

If you want to do this with me Day 1 begins here! at

Apparently all the Monday through Friday videos are with Lisa-Marie who is my personal favorite so that has given me more motivation to keep doing it. Also these are in real time. If it works for you awesome. I typically watch the video first to see how to do the moves then try to start my interval timer the same time she starts and mute it so I can listen to my music/own interval timer. It's nice to have her video on mute though while I'm going so I can look back at the computer if I forget the next move.

Some tips if you don't have equipment that they use:

Instead of a sandbag you can use pretty much anything... I use a tent bag with the tent and everything in it plus I put a 10lb weight in it. You can use a backpack with some heavy books, free weights, pillow cases with some stuff in it and tied off, a gallon of water, anything! Depending on the work out and how they are using it you can use a variety of things.

Find a way that you can add a little resistance or just do the work out without equipment. It's still a good workout typically. If they are doing squats with the bag up on their shoulders just do the squats, if they are using the balance ball or ugi ball to elevate their arms or legs for push ups, just do the push ups without it. If you focus on doing the exercise with proper form and can get a few extra reps in it will still kick your butt usually.

For the dip station I have used two sturdy chairs. Other people have used couches, counters, etc. If you don't have anything do a variation. Maybe do a triceps dip with just one chair and then add an extra move.
If something requires a pull up bar... I do a different work out. I can't hang from anything in my house, if I tried just hanging from the door frame it would break. I don't have stairs or anything. If you have something use it and if not try to do a different work out that is focusing on some of the same muscles. One example is when they do knee raised from the pull up bar I will do crunches or tuck abs but holding a weight above my head, straight arms, and slighly above the ground.

If you don't have weights or are just starting out find something. At the beginning I only had 10lb weights so that was too much for a lot of reps. I took two cans of food (heavier things like chili), stacked them, and taped them together.

Lastly, the interval timer. If you are doing it with the video in real time you don't need your own. If you want one to set your own I use the iphone app pictured below. It's free but a little tricky. Set the high to 50 and the low to 10 but don't add a rest and then set it to repeat for however many minutes you are doing the work out. It will ding at the end of your 50 seconds and then again at the end of your 10 seconds (rest time). If you type interval timer into your app search it will look like this....

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