Thursday, October 4, 2012

Week 4 BodyRock Confusion and Challenges

Confusing Week 4/Week 5 
First off let me say with the change in the calendar (both of which are posted in earlier posts) things get a little confusing at Week 4. If you are doing the 30 Day Challenge and get to the next work out by clicking the link at the bottom of the previous day then there are multiple links/posts between Week 3 Day 5 and Week 4 Day 1. I've realized these are technically Week 4 and then when you get back to what actually says "Week 4 Day ..." that would be the fifth and final few days of the 30 Day Challenge.

So not realizing this I did the Couplet Workout on Week 4 Day 1 and then skipped ahead past the bodyrock lite work outs and unlabeled ones so I got to the ones that said "Week 4..." and now I'm out of the scheduled workouts with a week left of my 30 Days. I'm annoyed but if you look at the dates you can see what work out were supposed to be on which days if you correlated it with May. I'm irritated but just going to go some repeat work outs or random ones from the website until I'm done.

Don't get frustrated. Even though the Couplet isn't technically one of the labeled days it was an AMAZING workout, so intense and 20 minutes long (you can make it 30 if you do it 3 times through) but it felt really good and I was able to just keep pushing. Then the sculpt that went with it was great and the flow was nice because it was more fluid than some of the other ones.

If you want to do the couplet workout (technically week 4 of 30 days) here is the link:

If you want to find the 5th Week but labeled  Week 4 Day 1 without clicking through everything here is the link:

So I'm on Week 4 Day 4 and things are going well. I am seeing more muscle and definition and the fat layer covering that is slowly getting smaller. I had a it of a set back this weekend/monday. I didn't eat healthy Sunday and then Monday we had a potluck and at the end I crashed an burned and ate way too much cheese and desserts. I felt bad both inside and out. I felt gross and bloated but also felt bad and it put me in a bummed mood. I was feeling a little defeated because I had been doing so well with the 30 Day Challenge and was just disappointed in myself and willpower. I felt like saying screw it and not working out but instead I just forced myself to do it and because of the confusion on I did the couplet workout which as I said turned out to be awesome. That made me feel better cause I knew I burned some serious calories but it also helped me refocus. We can't be perfect all the time but I know I will be so much happier if I just get back on the horse and back on track rather than giving up and saying screw it. If I said screw it and stopped trying, working out at diligently , and eating as healthy in one month I would be so upset with myself. I'm opting to feel awesome in a month rather than guilty and frustrated, and I am in control of that. I am trying to use this as a reminder when I want to eat the world and sweets and a million pieces of cheese... remember how I felt when I did that. I didn't feel good physically or mentally. I can have things in moderation and sweets here and there but it needs to be balanced. If I can keep this in my mind when I am at places with lots of good food (my weakness is cocktail parties and such... love those finger foods and appetizers) and can use will power I will feel good at the end of the day because I know my body will feel healthy but I will also be happy rather than guilty and disappointed .

To wrap it up I am still on my way and staying focused. I am loving BodyRock and look forward to doing another 30 Day Challenge after this one.

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