About Me


So this page will track my journey of fully committing to a healthier life style, weight loss, and getting in better shape. As of right now I've taken some photos but without an after photo or update photo to compare it with I'd rather not post it yet. I will soon though.

Let me start out with a little bit about myself. I'm 24 years old and in graduate school. In terms of weight, I'm not a big girl by any means but I constantly struggle with how I feel about my body. I carry my weight around my abdomen (hello gut and love handles!) which is bothersome to me and also in terms of weight distribution a lot more unhealthy and is a higher risk for health issues than say someone who carries it in their butt and hips. I also will fluctuate a lot within a 10 pound range and I always see it in my face first so I'd like that to stop. Growing up I was very active and in sports pretty much year round but food was the issue. I love sweets and can eat a lot. I ignore those cues from my body that says "hey, you should probably stop now." So although I fall in a healthy BMI (I know that's not the be-all-end-all of weight) it's usually toward the higher end of the range.

So this blog is to help me direct my food focused thoughts in a positive way. I figure I can blog about food, weight, etc. rather than being bored and eating. Also keeping the blog will help me stay accountable and urge me to actually make and try more of the healthy recipes I find rather than falling back on the old, boring, or easy.
Please feel free to share tips, comments, or thoughts about things I post or about your own personal journey, just keep them appropriate. Thanks!

Update October 18, 2012

Well I started this blog about a month and a half ago and I am loving it! I feel really motivated to try new recipes, stick with my work outs, and stay accountable for my health. I know the number on the scale isn't as important as how I feel but I thought I'd share that I'm down 8 pounds as a way to quantify the journey/suceess thus far. I have built more muscle along with losing weight so I am feeling good, happy, and healthy. I plan to continue to slim down as well as tone up. If you want to see some recent Before and After Pictures Here. They are from my 30 Day challenge and I will be doing another one soon. I am glad that there are some people who are reading the blog occasionally and that my friends that know about it have given positive reviews (thanks guys!). Eating healthier has also helped my mood. I feel more energized and healthier inside and out. Also by cutting out (most) white bread products I don't get as bloated as I used to. I don't know if going gluten-free is necessary to feel less bloated but if that works for some, great! For me just not eating a ton of the processed white flour stuff helps a lot. Well I thought I should update this since this will be the one place I talk about my journey with this blog. I am loving it and I hope any of you out there that have read it love it as well. Share with friends and family and feel free to comment. Try a recipe and let me know how it goes, give me suggestions, or let me know if I have inspired you/turned you onto BodyRock. Bye for now!

Update October 18, 2013

How crazy... it has been exactly one year since I have updated the about me section! Well then I definitely think it is time for an update. The past year has been like any other with its ups and downs. That also goes for my working out, eating habits, and fitness. In really big news I did just run a marathon last weekend!! I did the Bank of America Chicago Marathon!! It was such an amazing feeling to set that scary goal and do it! I need to write a few posts about it so that will come soon. Something a little counterintuitive is that I actually gained weight from marathon training. In part to not always making the best food choices, gaining muscle, and that last couple days of carb loading. But hey in the end I crossed the finish so that is ok by me. I am now in a stage of recovery so it will be a little before I set the next fitness goal but I promise to keep you updated. 

I may not be as motivated as before to keep up with the blog as when I first started but I will continue to do so, it just may be less frequent. I am finished with graduate school so I am finally on the hunt for a job to start my career. This may mean more time to blog, we shall see. I have also added a picture of myself to the page and a profile. I decided I will start being more personal about who I am and I will share some pictures as the blog continues to grow!

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