Saturday, November 9, 2013

Best Way to Reheat Pizza So it Actually Tastes Great!

So let me start by saying this may not be the healthiest post/topic but I'd say it's essential :) Who actually likes microwave reheated pizza? I don't think anyone... it's tolerable at best. And cold pizza? It's a great breakfast food for sure but never quite hits the spot the same way that pizza first does. The best way to reheat pizza may not be the fastest but I promise it is totally worth it if you want your left overs to be just as enjoyable as the night before. Also doing it this way the crust gets a little crispy/crunch that I really enjoy while the rest of the pizza is still warm and soft.


  • Turn oven onto broil (or highest heat with a rack on the top level)
  • Place pizza in oven safe pan, such as a cast iron pan/grill pan and turn stove onto Medium-Low
  • Heat pizza until it feels a little warm on the top but not burnt. You may need to turn it to low to not burn the bottom crust. Time varies by thickness of pizza.
  • Once it feels warm place in oven on top rack for about 1 minute so the cheese is melted again and not some cold congealed block . If you're on broil you will burn it if you do it much longer than a minute. 
  • Enjoy your pizza!

Before going into the oven

I've heard of reheating it in a pan all the way through but I really think popping it in the oven for a bit makes a big difference and helps melt the cheese. You can play around with oven temp and maybe turn it down a bit and do it for an extra couple minutes if you'd like. It really depends on the type of pizza you're eating. As pictured.. this is my (boyfriend's choice) stuffed pizza from the other night. Now time to eat something a little healthier haha. Also if you don't have a cast iron pan you could reheat it on the stove and then use a baking dish or something for that minute or two in the oven.

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