Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Week 3 BodyRock 30 Day Challenge Update

Alright so I've been doing the 30 Day BodyRock Challenge and I'm still going strong. I have added a new tab/category that will make it easier to find anything specifically BodyRock related and I will post updates and some hints or tips I've found along the way.

I'm on Week 3 and that includes another fit test. Yesterday was Fit and Flow Test #2 So exactly two weeks from when I've started and I will say it went better. Although my numbers were not amazingly better I found feel that my form was better and it just felt good.

Fit Test:
  • Squats:  23, 19, 20
  • Pushups: 6 real 19 on knees, 5 real 18 on knees, 17 on knees
  • Dips:  19, 19, 20 (soooo much better)
  • Crunch: 21, 22, 20
Flow test went well and I am feeling more flexible although it's hard to measure.

So I have seen some improvement with the fit test which is exciting especially in my upper body. I have also been losing weight and seeing slight changes in my body in the mirror as well so I am stoked and that much more motivated to continue. I will post before and after photos at Day 30 and although it may not be a huge difference in a couple months it will be awesome! As another one of those famous Pinterest/Motivation quotes go....

Today's work out included a lot of equipment so just a reminder to always watch the tutorial video if they post one to see way to modify it for what equipment you have/your personal fitness level. I am going to post something (tomorrow hopefully) with pictures of all my make shift equipment so if anyone else needs ideas they will be here. I was also so unmotivated to work out today since it was a very long day of class and traffic but I just made myself do it. I love having the 30 Day challenge and need to find a way to hold myself this accountable and stay this motivated once it's over... maybe just do it again? Or just say 5 days a week I have to do the daily video? We shall see. If anyone is reading this... are you doing this too? ideas? hello?

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