Thursday, September 20, 2012

Motivation, Small Life Changes, and the 30 Day Challenge

So I am Week 2 Day 4 of the 30 Day Body Rock Challenge and I love it! I haven't done my work out yet today as I'm a bum and got up not too long ago and I'm still enjoying my coffee. The BodyRockers are amazing. First of all they have such hot bods I just watch it and think ok I can look like that! Also with the burn segments only being 12 min long in combination of having the timer beep at you it goes by so quickly. So my shout out to them is because I want to share with you (is anyone doing this with me?) what other changes the 30 Day Challenge is helping me make....

I have been eating really well lately and I feel I've found a balance of eating right and tasting good. My boyfriend has agreed that he wants to eat healthier so I've decided that as long as he wants to help me pay for produce (which I usually buy) and other ingredients I will make something tasty but healthy almost nightly. I will be posting some of the things I've made the last few nights in a little. So with that support and us not having two separate meals all time that makes it a lot easier. I have been doing really well with portion control also and because of that I am finding that I am getting full faster so it's becoming easier not to over eat. I am not cutting out refined carbs but I am limiting them.

So I went to the dentist the day before I began the BodyRock and although the exam went well I definitely need to floss more (who doesn't?!) but I've decided to add this into my daily routine.

Skin Care:
So I've always had problem skin. I've delt with acne as a teen, scars, oily skin, basically I hate my skin but I've decided that I need to do what I can to make it the best it can possibly be. If I have crappy skin and then I'm not consistent about taking care of it it's just going to be worse than it already is. I figured it's time to pay the big bucks... well not really but more than the $4 I was paying for face wash. I bought Loreal's Revitalift face moisturizer and although I don't really have wrinkles yet I have noticed a difference with skin texure, tone, brightness, etc. I am also making myself ALWAYS wash my face before bed. No more of this I'm so sleeeeeppppyyy screw it attitude.

Positive Affirmations:
The last thing I have decided to change in my life is my self talk. I have spent a lot of time wishing and hoping for different features, a flatter tummy, nice skin, a difference appearance. I have also spent a lot of time telling myself that I'm ugly and fat. Well I'm done with that. I have started to really take to heart some of those motivational quotes that you see on Pinterest, you all know I'm such a fan haha. Here is one my my favorites.

And it's true. I am in control of my body and it is one of the few things in my life that I have complete control over. I may not be able to change certain features like the width of my hip bones, of my nose, etc. But I can have a sexy body and I am in control of that. One of the most important things is believing in yourself and knowing you can do it. So I've started doing positive affirmation (I hope someone remembers those from SNL hehe) but seriously it's so much healthier than negative self talk. I tell myself, outloud, every day that I have a beautiful, sexy, and athletic body and I can do the things necessary to keep it that way. Although I am a work in progress currently, if I can tell myself this daily it will help encourage me to follow through with exercising and eating right. It also is true no matter that size I am for at least the beautiful part (sexy and athletic have yet to come but I believe), because if I believe I am beautiful and can exude positivity then that makes me a beautiful person.

So here is what I have done to remind myself of these things... I have written them on my mirror so I see them everyday. I can't just ignore them and they help keep me responsible.

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