Thursday, September 6, 2012

Excuses, Excuses...

Ok so an update on the 3 Day Diet.... it's full of excuses. I wasn't able to/chose not to do it for the 3 days mainly because I didn't know that I had been committed to a dinner date with my boyfriend's boss and wife. I didn't think they would care for why I wasn't eating anything at the dinner they were paying for. So I gave in and bought a salad and had some wine. Overall I did the diet for breakfast and lunch each of the three days and then had a decently healthy dinner those nights. I lost a few pounds but would still like to give it a shot at the 3 full days and see how it goes.

My boyfriend will be out of down for two weeks as of Saturday so that will be a good chance to make food decisions for myself and do the 3 Day Diet. I will post with results and how it went. Speaking of the bf that is one of my excuses/downfalls when it comes to eating on a regular basis. The month we didn't live together I lost 9lbs. I love living with him and I often will make my own dinner so that I'm not eating hamburger helper on a regular basis. But I love cooking for people and I want him to think what I make tastes good. So for him I usually add in extra cheese or butter or sauces. I will usually make mine differently but something I just say screw it and eat the same thing or the hamburger helper or whatever it is. I go through a lot of trouble to eat better than he does, we buy separate: refried beans, tortillas, cheeses, sour cream, milk, and coffee creamer. So there you have it one of my number one excuses for not eating healthy all the time. Also it tastes so good to have fried cheese curds (best thing ever btw) every once in awhile. I will revisit this issue again....

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