Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hello World

Welcome to My Edible Life!

I decided to start a blog for a few different reasons. Like most others out there, I love food. I thoroughly enjoy cooking as well as eating... therein lies the problem. There is that constant battle between my love of food and wanting my body to look different. I think if I have something to hold me accountable, like a public blog, I may stick with some of the new life changes that I am trying and it may be fun.

On this blog I plan to share recipes, health habits, and exercise tips. I'll comment on what works and what turns out to be a flop. I will probably post on other random things as well but we'll see what comes out of this new blog experiment. I also make some of the things I pin on Pinterest so I will post those and let you know how they actually turn out. The comments from people who have attempted a new recipe are more beneficial sometimes than the professional photo and step-by-step directions

Well welcome to my blog. Please feel free to comment and share ideas as this (hopefully) grows into a fun personal project.

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