Thursday, April 18, 2013

2nd BodyRock Challenge Completed

Ok so I'm a little behind on this post but I finished my second BodyRock 30 Day Challenge. I realized I definitely wasn't as motivated as I was the first time. Although I definitely saw results in term of muscle tone I failed to really change my eating habits. Looking at the results from this challenge in comparison to the last is a real reminder of that saying that goes something like this...

Abs are made in the gym (or living room if you do BodyRock) and revealed in the kitchen.

So I promised I would post before and after pictures. There is not a huge difference but I can see subtle changes. I look at myself everyday so I'm not surprised if others don't notice. I do feel happier and stronger though. I did not enjoy losing all my muscle and having to start over again.

If you want to see the results from my First 30 Day BodyRock Challenge Before and After Picture click here. 30 Day Challenge before and after pictures. There was definitely a bigger difference as I focused on eating as well as working out and I think I was a bit more diligent with the workouts the first time around.

From now on I think I will be staying away from 30 Day Challenges. I get a little burnt out by the end of them and rather than sticking with it I take a break. I am going to focus on running again more with just a few days of the HIIT style workouts

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