Friday, March 29, 2013

2nd BodyRock 30 Day Challenge - Week 3

Alright so I am going strong with this 30 Day Challenge as I near the end of week 3... For anyone keeping track I did take a week off because of travel so technically I would be on week 4 but I just started fresh Monday with theWeek 3 Fit Test.

I do have to admit that I have been making some variations. A lot of this month's (BodyRock February 2012 30 Day Challenge Start Here) challenge is pyramid style reps. I am not a fan and if I did all of the repetitions it would take me 40+ minutes. If you don't know what I'm talking about it goes like this: They give you 4-5 work outs and you do 10 reps of each, then on the next round you do 9 of each, then so on and so forth until you do 1 of each and you are done. It shouldn't take that long but it does. My solution... I am not going to lift weights/do resistance reps for 40 minutes so I just set a timer for 20 min or so and see how far up the pyramid I can make it. I would probably see more results if I did the whole work out but I figure I am also running occasionally now and 20 minutes is still pretty darn good vs nothing. If you have been frustrated with the rep/pyramid style work out too maybe that will work for you as well.

So speaking of running, and working out too I guess, I have realized how well my body has been able to get back to it. Even though I was dragging on that first day fit test I have been able to get back to doing most of my push ups normally and not on my knees. I also only started running again about 3 weeks ago and I was able to do 4 miles without stopping  the other day so I am feeling good. On a side note.... there are zero hills here so I am wondering how much of that has to do with being able to bounce back with the running, hmmm? Oh well!

I have started to see some changes in my body as well. Some of the definition is coming back now if only spot treating fat worked... it doesn't, no matter many how magazine ads or things say otherwise. If I could spot treat my love handles I would be all over it.

So to recap I am feeling good, almost done with week 3 so have just another week+ to go. I have no been as good with eating habits as the first 30 Day Challenge but I am still sticking with it and doing ok. Anyone else doing BodyRock??? A challenge?

My Motivation Today... Lose fat everywhere and I will lose it here... damn you love handles!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Oven Roasted Brussels Sprouts

I had never tried brussels sprouts until this year and I REALLY liked them! Each time that I've had them now they have been oven roasted so I decided to make my own and see how they turned out. You can try lots of different substitutions but I'll give you the recipe I did last night with pictures and also suggest some other ideas to switch it up.

  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Olive oil (the more generous you pour it the tastier--but also more calories... find your own happy medium)
  • Seasoning: Salt, pepper, garlic powder (optional)
  • Sierra Nevada Honey Spice Mustard (sooo good, if you don't have this look at some of the other substitutions listed blow)
  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  • Wash, trim and cut brussels sprouts in half
  • Put sprouts and loose leaves in pan or on baking sheet and top with olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder. Drip a couple tablespoons of honey mustard over sprouts, trying to get a little on all the halves.
  • Use spatula to mix everything so sprouts are coated evenly
  • Place in oven and cook for 15-20 minutes tossing once about half way through. If doing a larger batch may need to cook for longer (20-30 min). I typically just make enough for myself.
  • Enjoy. The loose leaves will get pretty crispy but they are tasty.

Other Ideas

If you don't like, or have, honey mustard you can also try some of the following to add some flavor:
  • Drizzle some balsamic vinegar (syrupy) when finished cooking and toss again
  • Add rosemary when seasoning and then toss with parmesan cheese before serving
  • Use fresh minced garlic cloves in the recipe
  • Add sriracha and toss before cooking--careful it has a little kick
  • Sriracha, honey, and lime.
  • Let me know if you know any other good recipes!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Another 30 Day BodyRock Challenge

Ok so as mentioned in the most recent post I am doing another 30 Day Challenge! I have decided to search the archives of and have started the February 2012 30 Day Challenge. The first day is a fit test and you can find the workout and calendar for Day 1 Here.

It really is so sad how much of my strength and stamina I lost since the last challenge I did. But hey, at least I'm starting again and not being defeated. My Fit Test results are as follows and I will be excited to see the improvement when I fit test again at the end of the 30 days.
  • Squat Jumps: 26
  • Push Ups: 5 regular, 14 on my knees
  • Burpees: 10
  • High Knees: 78 (last 20 or so were at a slower stepping pace rather than running)
  • Switch Lunges: 25 (lunges, not jumping when switching)
  • Tuck Jumps: 44 (did the modification they suggested rather than jumps)
  • Tricep Dips: 18
  • Straight Abs: 13 (feet elevated, elbows to knees)
So here it goes today is Day 3 and I have yet to work out but I will. I am also planning on running today. In other big news...  I signed up for a lottery to run in the Chicago Marathon in October 2013. There were issues with registering and they had to do a lottery for the last 15,000 spots available. So if I get chosen then I may very well begin training for my first FULL MARATHON! Very scary and exciting idea. We shall see what happens.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I'm Back!

I am officially back to it! March is the beginning to the next chapter of This is My Edible Life. It took me a month from moving in to get to this point but it is ok, better late than never. Saturday I went for a 3 mile run (woot woot, so happy, seeing that it had been months since running) and I started a BodyRock 30 Day Challenge. I like the idea of the 30 Day Challenges as it keeps me on a schedule and I feel more accountable. As much as I love(d) BodyRock I think I liked their old format more than their new one. Props to them for growing and expanding but I think I am going to try something either from their archives after this challenge or a different work out site. You can still find anything I did or do that is related to BodyRock underneath the tab above. Anything workout related will be under exercise (so if it's BodyRock it will be in both places). I will make another post dedicated to this 30 Day Challenge so if you want to follow along or start it with me you can.

Getting Motivated Again

So how have I motivated myself to get going again? I followed some of my own tips: Getting motivated again and again. On Saturday before my run I did these:
  • Spent some time on Pinterest in the health and fitness section looking at quotes, work outs, and pictures of extremely fit women--jealousy is pretty powerful haha.
  • Wrote on my mirror that "I will work out today" just a little reminder that I need to do something each day and to feel proud when I work out and then see it later. I get to say "yup, I did"
  • Took some Day 1 pictures. I will post them once I'm done with this 30 Day Challenge so I can do before/after.
  • I also though about why I had been motivated before and why I was feeling stuck and came to some of the realizations below...

Some Realizations

So it had definitely been awhile since blogging, cooking, and working out and came to a few realizations in the time being. I realized that my mood had really changed as a result of my lack of activity and (way) less than perfect eating habits. I just felt more... blah. It's weird because I rarely worked out before starting this blog, then started working out consistently, and then kinda lost steam which was when I noticed how good I had felt before. I had more energy, even being at a heavier weight I felt more confident on the days I worked out, my mood was better, and I had more energy.

Another thing I realized after yesterday's work out was how much I missed feeling strong. I had totally lost my stamina and strength I had gained from the first 30 Day Challenge and continued BodyRocking. I felt pathetic hardly being able to do the exercises but rather than letting it deter me I am motivated to get that strength back and maintain it. I like knowing I can carry something heavy, kick ass, or be active at the drop of a hat if needed. Time to get that all back!

Lastly, and it kind of goes with the first one, is that I am caring (a little) less about the weight on the scale. I know muscle weighs more than fat and everything shouldn't be measured by the numbers on the scale. However, I have always been someone who weighs myself everyday. I think since I have been taking pictures of my progress it's easier to see the changes and differences. Right now I'm about 139 without the added muscle and I'm seeing a big difference from the 139 (about) I was after the 30 Day Challenge. I really think taking measurement or pictures is a better way to track progress. If you aren't working out and just changing eating habits then the pounds is a pretty good indicator but if you have started a work out regimen especially something intense like cross-fit, bodyrock, etc. then there are much better ways to see improvement.