Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I'm Back!

I am officially back to it! March is the beginning to the next chapter of This is My Edible Life. It took me a month from moving in to get to this point but it is ok, better late than never. Saturday I went for a 3 mile run (woot woot, so happy, seeing that it had been months since running) and I started a BodyRock 30 Day Challenge. I like the idea of the 30 Day Challenges as it keeps me on a schedule and I feel more accountable. As much as I love(d) BodyRock I think I liked their old format more than their new one. Props to them for growing and expanding but I think I am going to try something either from their archives after this challenge or a different work out site. You can still find anything I did or do that is related to BodyRock underneath the tab above. Anything workout related will be under exercise (so if it's BodyRock it will be in both places). I will make another post dedicated to this 30 Day Challenge so if you want to follow along or start it with me you can.

Getting Motivated Again

So how have I motivated myself to get going again? I followed some of my own tips: Getting motivated again and again. On Saturday before my run I did these:
  • Spent some time on Pinterest in the health and fitness section looking at quotes, work outs, and pictures of extremely fit women--jealousy is pretty powerful haha.
  • Wrote on my mirror that "I will work out today" just a little reminder that I need to do something each day and to feel proud when I work out and then see it later. I get to say "yup, I did"
  • Took some Day 1 pictures. I will post them once I'm done with this 30 Day Challenge so I can do before/after.
  • I also though about why I had been motivated before and why I was feeling stuck and came to some of the realizations below...

Some Realizations

So it had definitely been awhile since blogging, cooking, and working out and came to a few realizations in the time being. I realized that my mood had really changed as a result of my lack of activity and (way) less than perfect eating habits. I just felt more... blah. It's weird because I rarely worked out before starting this blog, then started working out consistently, and then kinda lost steam which was when I noticed how good I had felt before. I had more energy, even being at a heavier weight I felt more confident on the days I worked out, my mood was better, and I had more energy.

Another thing I realized after yesterday's work out was how much I missed feeling strong. I had totally lost my stamina and strength I had gained from the first 30 Day Challenge and continued BodyRocking. I felt pathetic hardly being able to do the exercises but rather than letting it deter me I am motivated to get that strength back and maintain it. I like knowing I can carry something heavy, kick ass, or be active at the drop of a hat if needed. Time to get that all back!

Lastly, and it kind of goes with the first one, is that I am caring (a little) less about the weight on the scale. I know muscle weighs more than fat and everything shouldn't be measured by the numbers on the scale. However, I have always been someone who weighs myself everyday. I think since I have been taking pictures of my progress it's easier to see the changes and differences. Right now I'm about 139 without the added muscle and I'm seeing a big difference from the 139 (about) I was after the 30 Day Challenge. I really think taking measurement or pictures is a better way to track progress. If you aren't working out and just changing eating habits then the pounds is a pretty good indicator but if you have started a work out regimen especially something intense like cross-fit, bodyrock, etc. then there are much better ways to see improvement.

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