Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Another 30 Day BodyRock Challenge

Ok so as mentioned in the most recent post I am doing another 30 Day Challenge! I have decided to search the archives of and have started the February 2012 30 Day Challenge. The first day is a fit test and you can find the workout and calendar for Day 1 Here.

It really is so sad how much of my strength and stamina I lost since the last challenge I did. But hey, at least I'm starting again and not being defeated. My Fit Test results are as follows and I will be excited to see the improvement when I fit test again at the end of the 30 days.
  • Squat Jumps: 26
  • Push Ups: 5 regular, 14 on my knees
  • Burpees: 10
  • High Knees: 78 (last 20 or so were at a slower stepping pace rather than running)
  • Switch Lunges: 25 (lunges, not jumping when switching)
  • Tuck Jumps: 44 (did the modification they suggested rather than jumps)
  • Tricep Dips: 18
  • Straight Abs: 13 (feet elevated, elbows to knees)
So here it goes today is Day 3 and I have yet to work out but I will. I am also planning on running today. In other big news...  I signed up for a lottery to run in the Chicago Marathon in October 2013. There were issues with registering and they had to do a lottery for the last 15,000 spots available. So if I get chosen then I may very well begin training for my first FULL MARATHON! Very scary and exciting idea. We shall see what happens.

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