Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fuel and Supplements for Long Runs

So many! Where to Start?!?

A very important thing about training is making sure you are fueling appropriately. It is very difficult to train on a low carb diet. For shorter runs you will probably be ok but carbohydrates are the easiest fuel for your body to use. If you try to cut out carbs before your long runs it will make for a very tricky and tiring run. After a long run you want about a 4:1 carbohydrate to protein recovery meal. Something easily digestible that your body can use to repair after the hard workout you just put in. The hard part is finding a balance as to not over do it before or after. This is a common reason why many people will gain weight when they increase their work out regimen or start running more. If you're having a hard time do research about the number of calories and types of food to eat before and after work outs. Also consider that if you are sitting around all day after a long run that you don't need to eat massive amounts of food the rest of the day. Research, research, research. Knowing what to do and how to do it right will help a lot in the long run.


In terms of fuel for training and race day the two important things you will need are carbohydrates and electrolytes. The best thing you can do is experiment with a variety of things on different runs and see how you do with them. Some people can't handle a lot of sugar and it makes them nauseous or throw up. This is good to know BEFORE race day. Here are a list of the different things I used during training and on race day.

GU Energy Gel - Flavors I like are Chocolate and Jet Blackberry

Roctane Ultra Endurance Energy Gel - I used Cherry Lime but not my favorite flavor but not bad

Power Gel -  Pomegranate Blueberry Acai. This one had no caffeine so I liked it for runs later in the day so I could sleep or in between caffeinated ones to not over do it on caffeine. 

Accelerade 2nd Surge Gel - Chocolate. This one had lots of caffeine, carbs, and some proteins. This is what I used every 2 hours on long runs and race day.

Thermolyte MetaSalts - blend of electrolytes. These you just swallow with water. Nice because they aren't sweet. I took 1 every hour and then 2-4 if I started having any cramping as needed. 

Kramp Krushers - Electrolyes with some sugars as well. Taste really good. Nice to have toward end with cramps and as a distraction. If taking prophylactically don't need to take the same time as MetaSalts. If you have cramps throw everything you can at it haha (to a certain point)

Knowing someone who is a trainer or coach will be very helpful. Have them help you plan when to take certain things. Also know what they have on the course. Most races will have water and gatorade so if you plan to drink the gatorade on race day then train with it. After awhile you might not like how it sits in your stomach. Don't try anything new on race day. If you go into any running, cycling, triathlete shop they will have a variety of different things like this for sale. My dad was able to get all of these from the Tri shop that he used to work at. Talk to the people in the store if you need help too. A lot of them will have probably used some of the different products and have recommendations.


There are a variety of supplements that can compliment your training. They aren't vital but they can improve your recovery or performance. Some people are all for them others are not. I will just list what I use and why and you can research them and decide if they are right for you. 

For Recovery: Recovery Amino Power - This is a blend of amino acids that help aid in the recovery process and bunch of other things too. Go to the site and read about it. You can spend way less and buy a variety of supplements that equal this one supplement or you can pay more and make it more convenient. I did 3 in the am and 3 at night leading up to the race and for most of training and then would always do 6 immediately after a work out (goal is within 20 min)

For Performance: Neogenis Sport BeetElite Neo Shot - this is pretty amazing stuff and the power of beets is starting to get really big in endurance sports. Basically it increases nitric oxide which helps you use oxygen in the body more efficiently. This is something definitely worth reading more about!! Do a shot in 4 oz of water before a long run. I noticed a big difference. 

Have a Plan

Mine was as follows:

Before race: 30 Min before Neo Beet Shot, 15 min before Roctane Gel

Every 45 Min: PowerGel

Every Hour: MetaSalt (or as needed)

Every 2 hours: 2nd Surge (if it was about the same time as a powergel I would skip the gel and just do a surge)

As needed for taste/distraction/cramps: Kramp Krushers

Hydration: I wore a water belt so I had water when needed and then planned to switched back and forth between water and gatorade at the aid stations.

**However,  you will have a plan and then at a certain point everything goes out the window. You will start doing what you feel you need, will sit well in your stomach, and tastes good but if you start just doing straight water after awhile you will need to force yourself to add some electrolytes and carbs or you will hit a wall. After about 17 miles my plan fell a apart and I did what I needed to do to cross the line.

Also have someone help you make a plan. Like I said. I would not take all these things if my dad didn't have years of experience, personal use, and knowledge about each of the products. Do your research!

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