Friday, November 15, 2013

Full Body Interval Elliptical (or any cardio machine) Workout

My apartment complex has a mini gym. It consists of an elliptical, stair stepper, treadmill, bike, and a whole body station. This week I decided to start doing more of a real work out rather than just zoning out for 30 min on the elliptical. I've learned a lot about interval training and different moves from BodyRock so I decided to make up my own work out. 

For this you can either use equipment if you have it or you can do it all without equipment. The key is to have a plan before you start. What I did was plan to do 3 sets of 4 exercises with cardio inbetween each. 2 minutes for cardio and 1 minute for the exerciseUsing the first 10 seconds of the 1 minute workout to get into position then doing a solid 50 seconds. I decided it would go like this:
  • Cardio
  • Arms/Upper body
  • Cardio
  • Core
  • Cardio
  • Arms/Upper body
  • Cardio 
  • Legs
  • Repeat 2 more times

So if you want to do it without equipment you an either pick 4 exercises and just repeat them or you can choose to do different exercises each round. 

The first day I did: push ups, crunches, tricep dips, and squats x 3

Yesterday I decided to incorporate equipment for some of the moves and did:
  1. Push ups, abs on the incline bench (don't know the technical name), bench press, squats
  2. Shoulder press, russian twists, dips, sumo squats
  3. Up-down planks, V-abs, bent over row, donkey kicks
So in terms of timing your intervals it's up to you how long of a work out you want to do. I also downloaded an interval timer app on my phone and was able to maneuver on and off the equipment with my headphones since someone else was in the work out room. Timers are nice because they will beep/ding whenever your interval is up and you know it's time to get back to the bike/elliptical/treadmill. Make sure to include a couple minutes of warm up and cool down. This my timing and warm up/cool down this is a 40 minute workout that goes really fast!

If you are doing this without equipment you can just hope off the elliptical and do the work out right behind it. You may want to use a mat or towel depending on the floor situation. You can do this at the gym but if you go to the gym where people are like hawks waiting for an elliptical machine it might be a little more stressful. I was nervous because the second day I did it I had someone else in the room. At first I thought she was going to think I was weird for getting on an off the elliptical but then I felt like a badass because she was just sitting there pedaling along on the bike reading her magazine while I was doing a real work out like a boss haha.

If you don't want to use workout stations because you're in a gym (vs your house or small apartment gym) but want to increase the intensity you can use free weights and/or resistant bands to mix up your exercises. 

If you are doing this on the elliptical use the Quick Start button and increase your resistance. I did all rounds at an 8 but you can go up/down depending on how you're feeling but don't make it too easy. If you need to catch your breath for 20 seconds here or there decrease the  resistance and take a sip of water then get back at it!

If you need new FREE workout music check out my post of Non-Sketchy Free Music Downloads

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Have You Gained Weight? The Test

How The Test Came To Be...

About a month before the marathon I realized I was gaining some weight, and no it wasn't just muscle. I was consuming more carbs and probably overcompensating after runs while not being very active otherwise.. definitely a recipe for weight gain. However, I wasn't going to start cutting calories before the big day so I figured once the marathon was over I'd get back on track with food/calories/activity outside scheduled runs. Well.... I haven't :/ I've been working out moderately (and actually had an awesome interval work out yesterday that I should write about) but the eating... the eating has been not so good. If you can't tell look at that piece of pizza form the Best Way to Reheat Pizza post. Stuffed pizza! That's basically two pieces of pizza in one. But anyway, the eating has been off track and I need to get back on track and there will be more posts about that later but this post is about... 

How to be 100% honest with yourself that you've gained weight...

Now you may weigh yourself daily like I do but there are a million things that can affect that. Like yesterday morning I stepped on the scale and then just before my shower I did it again and was 2 pounds lighter. Not only had I splurged on 3-7 Snickerdoodles nor did I do anything remotely active yesterday... I have only had one cup of water. So no, I didn't lose weight in 6 hours, I was just dehydrated.

I've also posted a bunch about the importance of before and after pictures.... You can find those posts here: Motivating yourself again and againBefore and After (1st Challenge)Before and After (2nd Challenge) But I haven't been doing anything lately that warranted a before or after pic so I didn't have any recents and I already knew I wasn't doing as good as I had been in my old after pictures so I didn't feel the need to compare. 

As mentioned I had just showered so it was time to put some pants on. Even though I'm still job hunting/sitting on the couch I figured it was time for real, non-pajama pants. Lucky me all my clothes are clean since I have lots of time for laundry. Put on the first pair of jeans... a little tighter than usual and not coming up quite as high on my hips/waist as I'd like. So I give that little pull and squat maneuver and they rip. They ripped! That soft, worn patch where my legs rub (which is 100% ok by me. I'm not going for the thigh gap and have read that in some people it's physically impossible to get based on their build without being severely malnourished) had enough tension and just tore. 

So on to the next pair of washed jeans... which actually already had a rip in them already (yes that same spot where my thighs rub) but it was from camping and trying to climb into a truck that about 5 feet off the ground and these jeans were pretty old, so I don't feel bad about that. These jeans usually are loose after 30 minutes of wearing them and are my favorite so despite the tear I wanted to wear them around the house. So on they go, tighter again than usual but that tear had some lower butt/upper thigh sticking out of it, not cute at all. I wasn't going to wait for that 30 minutes for them to loosen up while my back side bulged out of the tear. 

Onto a third pair of pants that I know will fit. I got the message and my wake up call. So that is...

The Test

  1. Wash all your jeans 
  2. Dry them on high or medium in the dryer
  3. Try putting them on. Especially the ones that you know how they typically fit you straight out of the dryer.
  4. Take note. If they still fit ok and you don't have to do too many squat and pull manuevers then you're probably doing ok. Slide right on? You may have lost weight. Tear some while doing the pull and squat or are way too tight/unflattering now? Well maybe it's time for some changes.

So there you have it, an easy way to have an honest discussion with yourself about your weight without pictures, the scale, or measurements. I know a lot of people who judge their weight loss or gain based on how their clothes fit but if all your jeans loosen up after one wear and you rarely wash them (because seriously jeans rarely get washed)  you may be fooling yourself. If you go through these steps you might have that same realization I had. I had been slacking and I didn't feel good about it. 

So What Now?

I'm probably about where I was in the very first before picture, nothing outside of my normal 10 pound fluctuations but it is time to get motivated. I need to get back on track. I will get back on track. For me it's not about being skinny. I want to be fit, I want my clothes to fit (maybe a size or two down), and I want to feel healthy and good about my body inside and out. So what now? I'm taking my own advice and getting motivated. So I will start here: Motivating yourself again and again. Then I will update the blog with the next journey and process. 

For anyone new to the blog... This is not a blog of someone who has it down yet. I am still struggling with living a healthy life and I don't think I will ever be someone who loves working out or is the poster child of healthy living. But I'm doing my best and my blog was started to share that journey and to have a positive outlet for my thoughts and feelings regarding my struggles and successes. 

*Also please note that this is meant to be light hearted and judging weight by how your clothes fit isn't some new crazy test that I invited, I know that :)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

1 Pumpkin, 2 Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipes

Well I have been hanging onto my pumpkin seeds for about two weeks now since carving pumpkins for Halloween and was given an ultimatum of do something with them or toss them since they are taking up space in the fridge. I needed that extra push so I decided to do some searching and found some inspiration for a pumpkin seed recipe. I had never made them before and I saw a lot of different times/temps so I decided to wing it and just see how it went. 

I made one savory/garlic recipe and one sweet recipe each are below. I was also told the best way to roast pumpkin seeds is soak them in salt water beforehand. So I soaked the seeds in a bowl of water and table salt overnight and made these just now. 

Sweet Seed Ingredients 

  • About 1 to 1 1/2 cups pumpkin seeds 
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil or melted butter
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon 
  • 1 Tbsp Sugar
  • Salt Water (for the night before roasting)

Savory Seed Ingredients

  • About 1 to 1 1/2 cups pumpkin seeds 
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil or melted butter
  • A few pinches of each: Garlic Powder, Salt, Pepper
  • Tiny sprinkle of Cayenne Pepper (if you want a little more spice/kick add more)
  • Salt Water (for night before)


  • Soak pumpkin seeds overnight in salt water (or during the day if you are going to do this in the evening)
  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees 
  • Drain seeds and toss onto paper towel. Don't need to be completely dry but not dripping wet.
  • Place about half your seeds into a baking dish and the other half of your seeds into a separate baking dish. I used two cake pans.
  • Drizzle seeds with olive oil or melted butter, add seasonings to savory seeds and sugar/cinnamon to sweet seeds, stir (use two separate spoons/spatulas so you don't mix up your flavors), and shake or pat seeds so they are in roughly a single layer

  • Bake for 25-35 minutes stirring occasionally so they toast evenly. If you are like me and will forget to stir...set a timer for every 5-7 minutes, stir, and toss them back in. 
  • Should be golden brown and have a nice little crunch/pop when finished. My sweet were done at 25 minutes (I think because there was less in that pan) and my savory were done at 35 minutes.
  • Add an extra pinch of sugar and cinnamon to your sweet seeds, stir, and serve.
  • Add more seasoning to your savory as needed to taste, stir, and serve.

I guess some people eat there pumpkin seeds whole while others shell the seeds (like when eating sunflower seeds) I just went for the whole seed. The fiber and zinc (and other great things as well) are good for you and if they are nice and golden brown they aren't too tough to eat whole.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Best Way to Reheat Pizza So it Actually Tastes Great!

So let me start by saying this may not be the healthiest post/topic but I'd say it's essential :) Who actually likes microwave reheated pizza? I don't think anyone... it's tolerable at best. And cold pizza? It's a great breakfast food for sure but never quite hits the spot the same way that pizza first does. The best way to reheat pizza may not be the fastest but I promise it is totally worth it if you want your left overs to be just as enjoyable as the night before. Also doing it this way the crust gets a little crispy/crunch that I really enjoy while the rest of the pizza is still warm and soft.


  • Turn oven onto broil (or highest heat with a rack on the top level)
  • Place pizza in oven safe pan, such as a cast iron pan/grill pan and turn stove onto Medium-Low
  • Heat pizza until it feels a little warm on the top but not burnt. You may need to turn it to low to not burn the bottom crust. Time varies by thickness of pizza.
  • Once it feels warm place in oven on top rack for about 1 minute so the cheese is melted again and not some cold congealed block . If you're on broil you will burn it if you do it much longer than a minute. 
  • Enjoy your pizza!

Before going into the oven

I've heard of reheating it in a pan all the way through but I really think popping it in the oven for a bit makes a big difference and helps melt the cheese. You can play around with oven temp and maybe turn it down a bit and do it for an extra couple minutes if you'd like. It really depends on the type of pizza you're eating. As pictured.. this is my (boyfriend's choice) stuffed pizza from the other night. Now time to eat something a little healthier haha. Also if you don't have a cast iron pan you could reheat it on the stove and then use a baking dish or something for that minute or two in the oven.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Where to Start: Tips to Start Training for a (half or full) Marathon

So a great way to figure out how to start training for a (half or full) marathon is to run as part of a team. Team in Training  (TNT) is great because they provide you with a work out plan, tips, support, etc. Also if there is a local team in your area you have people to run with. I did the Flex training, which means all the support was via email/online but it was still very helpful.

There are also lots of local running groups. I know when I was living in Nashville there was a local team called East Nasty that has twice (maybe 3) a week runs and would also do events together. So if you're new in an area a running group is a great way to meet people. Also Fleet Feet stores will often support a local running group so if you're not sure where to start look up your local Fleet Feet store and give them a call and just ask. They also have some training guides on their website.

Another option is to find other training guides online. This is the route I took. Although I found TNT helpful I had already started a training plan before they had emailed their training schedule out so I decided to stick with the one I started. My dad's friend has helped women train for Ironman and she recommended and emailed me the training guide for Your 26.2. You can sign up for a free or upgrade to a paid membership. Either way there is a lot of helpful information on the site.

One important thing to consider with training is whether the schedule and work outs are based on some kind of science about how the body works/recovers. Most training plans should increase mileage over time and fairly slowly. With off days here and there. Also if the plan you chose does not specifically include core or strength training work outs make sure you do them on your own!! Your core especially is so important to being able to do long runs. My dad kept telling me that after mile 17-18 it was all about nutrition (fueling) and my core. The key is to find a training guide that wasn't just posted by some random person who has no idea what they are talking about.

Anyone else have helpful websites, teams they know of, or tips?? Is anyone reading the blog haha?

Monday, October 28, 2013

Easy Halloween Ghost Craft

So this is my first post that is non food/fitness/health related... time to craft!! I like crafting occasionally but I'm not the most artistically inclined so you probably won't see many of my projects on here. However, I have made these for many Halloweens since about 12 years old. I'm also pretty sure I came up with this idea myself although I'm sure others have done this before, I will ask my Mama to verify that. 

This craft is super easy, (older) kid friendly (or with supervision because of scissors/permanent marker), and you probably already have everything you need at home! 

What You Will Need:

  • White trash bags (13 gallon is what I used)
  • Scissors
  • Scotch tape (or other clear tape)
  • Permanent marker 
  • Floss, string, or fishing line
  • Something to crumple into ball.. grocery bags, newspaper, etc.

For these you can either make small ones like I have pictured or larger ones. 1 Trash bag can either be 1 large ghost or two smaller ghosts. If you want larger ones follow all the steps except for the second bullet. 

What to do:

  • Get white trash bag and if there is a draw string cut it off
  • For two smaller ghosts cut bag in half.... cut along sides and then bottom. I have the bags that have seams along the side/bottom which make it easy. You will now have two squares.

What one square (half of bag) will look like 
  • Crumple something into a ball about the size of a grapefruit. (I used two Safeway grocery bags they are white and I rolled them up so all the red writing was hidden... yes I have reusable grocery bags but I tend to forget them at home.. I'm sorry!!) You can use whatever you want but if it's mostly white or a light color it's better so you can't see writing through your ghost/trash bag
  • Cover your crumpled ball with your square and use scotch tape to secure the neck. You could also tie it with string but I like using tape so I don't have to go completely around the head and can just pull the front around to the back and secure it. 
  • Cut off any pieces from bottom of ghost body to shape it how you'd like. Like I said my bag had seams so I cut those off.

  • Make a small hole in the back/top of your ghost and put a long piece of string or floss through. Length depends on how much you want you ghost to swing around and where you are hanging it. This can be done using a needle, or if you are creative you can wrap floss around a stick and punch it through to get it to the other side (haha this was the one tricky part for me) 
This is how I strung it (and there is my cat who liked the floss)
  • Fun part! Using a permanent marker make fun ghost faces
  • Hang on house, trees, in windows, where ever you'd like. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fuel and Supplements for Long Runs

So many! Where to Start?!?

A very important thing about training is making sure you are fueling appropriately. It is very difficult to train on a low carb diet. For shorter runs you will probably be ok but carbohydrates are the easiest fuel for your body to use. If you try to cut out carbs before your long runs it will make for a very tricky and tiring run. After a long run you want about a 4:1 carbohydrate to protein recovery meal. Something easily digestible that your body can use to repair after the hard workout you just put in. The hard part is finding a balance as to not over do it before or after. This is a common reason why many people will gain weight when they increase their work out regimen or start running more. If you're having a hard time do research about the number of calories and types of food to eat before and after work outs. Also consider that if you are sitting around all day after a long run that you don't need to eat massive amounts of food the rest of the day. Research, research, research. Knowing what to do and how to do it right will help a lot in the long run.


In terms of fuel for training and race day the two important things you will need are carbohydrates and electrolytes. The best thing you can do is experiment with a variety of things on different runs and see how you do with them. Some people can't handle a lot of sugar and it makes them nauseous or throw up. This is good to know BEFORE race day. Here are a list of the different things I used during training and on race day.

GU Energy Gel - Flavors I like are Chocolate and Jet Blackberry

Roctane Ultra Endurance Energy Gel - I used Cherry Lime but not my favorite flavor but not bad

Power Gel -  Pomegranate Blueberry Acai. This one had no caffeine so I liked it for runs later in the day so I could sleep or in between caffeinated ones to not over do it on caffeine. 

Accelerade 2nd Surge Gel - Chocolate. This one had lots of caffeine, carbs, and some proteins. This is what I used every 2 hours on long runs and race day.

Thermolyte MetaSalts - blend of electrolytes. These you just swallow with water. Nice because they aren't sweet. I took 1 every hour and then 2-4 if I started having any cramping as needed. 

Kramp Krushers - Electrolyes with some sugars as well. Taste really good. Nice to have toward end with cramps and as a distraction. If taking prophylactically don't need to take the same time as MetaSalts. If you have cramps throw everything you can at it haha (to a certain point)

Knowing someone who is a trainer or coach will be very helpful. Have them help you plan when to take certain things. Also know what they have on the course. Most races will have water and gatorade so if you plan to drink the gatorade on race day then train with it. After awhile you might not like how it sits in your stomach. Don't try anything new on race day. If you go into any running, cycling, triathlete shop they will have a variety of different things like this for sale. My dad was able to get all of these from the Tri shop that he used to work at. Talk to the people in the store if you need help too. A lot of them will have probably used some of the different products and have recommendations.


There are a variety of supplements that can compliment your training. They aren't vital but they can improve your recovery or performance. Some people are all for them others are not. I will just list what I use and why and you can research them and decide if they are right for you. 

For Recovery: Recovery Amino Power - This is a blend of amino acids that help aid in the recovery process and bunch of other things too. Go to the site and read about it. You can spend way less and buy a variety of supplements that equal this one supplement or you can pay more and make it more convenient. I did 3 in the am and 3 at night leading up to the race and for most of training and then would always do 6 immediately after a work out (goal is within 20 min)

For Performance: Neogenis Sport BeetElite Neo Shot - this is pretty amazing stuff and the power of beets is starting to get really big in endurance sports. Basically it increases nitric oxide which helps you use oxygen in the body more efficiently. This is something definitely worth reading more about!! Do a shot in 4 oz of water before a long run. I noticed a big difference. 

Have a Plan

Mine was as follows:

Before race: 30 Min before Neo Beet Shot, 15 min before Roctane Gel

Every 45 Min: PowerGel

Every Hour: MetaSalt (or as needed)

Every 2 hours: 2nd Surge (if it was about the same time as a powergel I would skip the gel and just do a surge)

As needed for taste/distraction/cramps: Kramp Krushers

Hydration: I wore a water belt so I had water when needed and then planned to switched back and forth between water and gatorade at the aid stations.

**However,  you will have a plan and then at a certain point everything goes out the window. You will start doing what you feel you need, will sit well in your stomach, and tastes good but if you start just doing straight water after awhile you will need to force yourself to add some electrolytes and carbs or you will hit a wall. After about 17 miles my plan fell a apart and I did what I needed to do to cross the line.

Also have someone help you make a plan. Like I said. I would not take all these things if my dad didn't have years of experience, personal use, and knowledge about each of the products. Do your research!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Journey to My First Marathon

So as I had mentioned I ran my first marathon this past weekend! I cannot believe it still haha. I did the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. If you're new to the blog or haven't read many other posts let me start by saying I am not a runner. I actually kind of hate(d) running. Still not sure how I feel about it. But as a non-runner I decided to do a half marathon while living in Nashville about a year and a half ago. I was so amazed and proud of myself from going from barely running a mile to running 13.1! I then thought I am NEVER running a full marathon, no way in hell.

Well, life is interesting. I started to get this itch like hmmm I could do it... I could maybe run a full... I'd like to do a full before I'm 26 (26 miles by 26.. I think I'm clever). It's not like I kept up my running after the half either. I went back to only being able to run about 3 miles at a time again. 13 steps forward 10 steps back I guess. I had visited Chicago about 5 months after the half marathon and though well this place is amazing and flat; so I stuck this idea in the back of my mind about Chicago being the place to run a full if I ever decided to do it. Well some time passed and I decided to just look and see when the next Chicago Marathon was and saw that registration was a few months away. So there I was 25 and fully considering doing a full marathon. I set a reminder to register and when the time came it ended up being by a lottery system. I thought well if it's mean to be I'll get picked and if not oh well. I didn't make it in via the lottery and decided to forget about it (what a cop out).

Then the Boston Marathon bombings happened and instead of afraid I felt inspired. I thought I could channel all that negativity into something positive for myself and others. I decided to sign up for the marathon through a charity organization. I chose the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society because of my Great Grandma Mabel who died of leukemia. By the end of training I had raised $2,500!! Running for a cause bigger than myself was extremely rewarding and encouraging. Every time someone made a donation it was a reminder to keep training and keep pushing even when I wanted to quit. Come race day I am SOOOO happy that I ran with LLS's Team in Training! Every mile or so was one of the coaches who would jog next to you, encourage you, chat it up, or give you salt caps, GUs, or whatever you needed. Their little bits of encouragement go a loooong way especially at mile 23.

So I signed up, trained, and did it! However, I definitely had some set backs along the way. I didn't quite stick to my training plan as well as I should have. I let life and relaxing get in the way some days but I was able to keep up with my long runs for most of training. Then the last couple weeks of long runs I ended up getting sick and had a nasty cough that hung around for an extra week and a half. I wasn't able to do my last long runs before tapering began. The furthest I ran before race day was a training 13.1 miles... :-/ not what I had wanted to happen. But, I made a commitment to myself and LLS that I would do it. I made sure I carb loaded, hydrated, planned all my fuel and electrolytes, and told myself I would finish.

And I did! I finished 26.2 miles. Did I go as fast as I would have liked? No. But my real goal was to finish. I ran majority of it but did take quite a lot of walking breaks toward the end. And crossing the finish line I had tears in my eyes and was so happy and proud of myself. So now I am in recovery mode. The soreness has finally subsided but my foot is still killing me. I am nervous I had a stress fracture in my right foot but since I'm not working yet I have been able to rest all week and stay off of it, hopefully it starts getting better soon.

I will write a few more posts soon about specific training plans, how I fueled, and what I learned along the way.

The day after the race! Hobbled around the city for some last minute site seeing before heading home.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Easy Clean-Out-the-Cabinets "Pad Thai"

I was inspired yesterday by some Pad Thai recipes I saw on Pinterest so I decided to make my own. The one I saw that got me thinking was from My Fridge Food. I realized I didn't have majority of the ingredients that are called for in a lot of the typical pad thai recipes I saw. I decided to experiment and make my own based on the easy ramen version. Does this taste exactly like real or restaurant pad thai? No. Have I even had pad thai in 3 years? No. Does it taste amazing? YES! It was soooo good. 

The reason I'm calling it clean out the cabinets "pad thai" is because you can basically put anything in it and add some peanut butter and soy sauce and it will taste great. I had lo mien noodles I had bought a long time ago and never used so that was part of the inspiration as well. You can even do this with ramen noodles and it'd taste really good. Also I had received my Farm Fresh to You box and needed to figure out something to do with all the carrots and kale I got. I figured I'd throw it all in there and see how it went. Results = mmmm :)


  • 1 package lo mein noodles (You can use pad thai noodles, other asian noodles, or even ramen)
  • 2 boneless skinless chicken 
  • 1 Tbsp vegetable oil
  • 3 Tbsp soy sauce 
  • 4 Tbsp creamy peanut butter
  • 1 tsp sriracha (add more or less to taste, it's very spicy)
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • Vegetables of you choice! Typically there are chilies, green onion, bean sprouts. However I cleaned out the fridge and used: kale, carrots, and the little bit of broccoli I had left in the freezer. 
  • Optional: I also had about a Tbsp of Asian Sesame dressing left in the fridge so I used that so I could toss the bottle. I like the sesame flavor but you definitely don't need it since it was so little I'm not sure how big of a difference it made.


  • Cook chicken. I buy frozen chicken so for two pieces I cook at 325 degrees for 50 minutes flipping pieces half way through. Depending on thickness may need to go longer. If you need directions for non-frozen chicken follow directions here and then add in the vegetables and continue to cook/sauté as with the fajitas. If cooking whole frozen chicken shred into bite size pieces once it's done.
  • Cook noodles as directed. For lo mien noodles: cook for 4-5 minutes in boiling water, drain, and leave to side. 
  • In large pan add vegetable oil, 1 Tbsp soy sauce, shredded/shaved carrots, chopped kale, and garlic (or any other veggies)
  • Saute over medium heat, adding a few tablespoons of water as needed to help wilt the kale, stirring frequently. I did mine for about 10 minutes but it depends on the vegetables and your preference for how soft/crunchy you want them. 
  • Once chicken, vegetables, and noodles are done turn off pan and add all ingredients into your large pan. 
  • Add peanut butter, the rest of the soy sauce, sriracha, a little black pepper (doesn't need salt because of the soy sauce)
  • Toss all ingredients until everything it coated, if it looks a little thick you can add a couple Tbsp of water to help thin it out. 
  • Add more sriracha, soy sauce, or peanut butter to taste. My boyfriend probably added another Tbsp of soy sauce to his serving alone haha but mine was fine as is. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

It's Been Awhile

Hello All! (or anyone... if anyone is still reading the blog haha) it has been quite awhile since I've added a new post so I just wanted to check in. 

Life has been pretty hectic, I am done with school but had been looking for work as a NP and have been doing a temp job in the mean time. I also have been training for a marathon!! I cannot believe it is next weekend!! I'm nervous and really excited. I will post more about the training I did and some tips/tricks I've learned along the way and also a post on how it all goes once I get back.

Don't have any new recipes or anything for today but wanted to say hello and if anyone is checking out the site (first time or again) wanted to let you know I will be updating more soon and add more to the about me section since it's been about a year since I've updated that. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Homemade Veggie Packed Sloppy Joes

So growing up Sloppy Joes were pretty much a staple in our house and I was telling my boyfriend last night after making dinner that I didn't even know there was canned sloppy joe mix until I was 18 or older. My mom always made the sauce herself, not from scratch but just mixting BBQ sauce and ketchup. I think doing it yourself, especially with your favorite BBQ sauce makes it way better! 

So here is my super easy Sloppy Joe recipe and I like to fill it with lots of veggies


  • 1 lb ground beef (I used 90/10)
  • 1/2 orange bell pepper
  • 1/2 green bell pepper (use whichever you like best)
  • 1/2 onion (red or white)
  • Ketchup (about 1/2 cup)
  • BBQ Sauce (about 1/2 cup)
  • Seasoning: salt, pepper, garlic powder, cayenne 


  • Chop veggies to the size of your liking. If you have little ones and are trying to disguise the veggies use a food processor 
  • Put meat and chopped veggies in pan on medium. You don't need to add oil because of the fat in the meat. 
  • Break apart ground beef, add a few pinches of each seasoning, and and stir often until meat is browned. About 15 minutes 
  • If you are using a lean meat you may not need to drain it and can keep the little bit of fat for flavor, if it is a higher fat percentage drain it and return to stove
  • Add ketchup and BBQ sauce, cover, and simmer on low for 10 minutes 
  • Add to bun or bread of choice and enjoy (with lots of napkins)

Super easy since it cooks all together

So tasty and so sloppy 

So ketchup is ketchup as I see it but I LOVE Kinder's BBQ Sauce. This one isn't very hot but has such a good flavor, if you see if in stores near you give it a try.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Edible Life Has Moved!!

So I have officially moved My Edible Life (or from to Blogger. I had been having connectivity problems with for quite awhile so I just went through and moved pretty much all my posts and content over here. There will be some minor changes and adjustments. This also means that I will be able to start posting again and having my content actually work!

Please feel free to follow along and if you have pinned anything from the old website you can repin it from the new site or update your old pin (since it won't work being connected to the old side.)

Happy to Be Back!!


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Free Workout Music Downloads

So I've had the same music for awhile now and need to switch it up a bit. I compiled a short list of websites where you can find some free music downloads. None of the songs are the original tracks by the artist. These are either mashups or remixes which are fun because they all have a good beat to workout/run to. I also didn't include a lot of sites you will find when you google free downloads because they seemed weird or sketchy.

So this one is my favorite!! They have 4 albums worth of mashups totally free absolutely no catch. The mashups are fun and I like listening to them for the first time while I'm out running because it's always a surprise to see which artists they mash up. Pretty funny but definitely explicit content since they use rap music a lot. Some of the albums are separate songs while other albums are one long track. The long ones are fun because the songs/mashups mix into each other but the separate ones are nice when you have your music on shuffle.

So you do have to enter an email address to get the download but oh well. These are remixes of the original tracks so they are just a little more workout friendly.

Same company as the one before but just different free songs/remixes

This links to one of the free albums of mashups I liked but they have a lot more on the website

Free 60 min track. Has 3 different options for beats per minute/intensity. You do have to enter an email address. It's free but I wasn't a huge fan of the mixes.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Oven Roasted Cauliflower

I make this ALL the time but have been forgetting to take pictures and post the recipe. It's super easy and versatile. I've listed the ingredients that I used this past time and that you see in the picture but I've also mixed it up with mexican seasoning, cheese, italian seasoning, sriracha and ginger, and other stuff. Basically whatever seasoning you like. Also this is a GREAT staple to substitute pastas/rice. For a quick dinner the other night I made this,heated up some chicken meatballs, and added a little sauce. It was tasty, filling, and satisfying without all the extra carbs.

  • Cauliflower (has better taste if you use it the day, or soon after, you buy it. Sometimes it can taste funny after sitting in the fridge for a few days.)
  • Olive oil - couple tablespoons for each half head of cauliflower
  • Seasoning: salt, pepper, garlic powder, dash of cayenne pepper
  • Parmesan Cheese
  • Preheat oven to 450 degrees
  • Cut cauliflower into florets
  • place in pan or on baking sheet
  • Coat with olive oil and seasoning of choice
  • Bake 7 min. Take out and toss. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and place back in oven
  • Bake additional 7 minutes or so and remove. Top with a little bit more cheese and enjoy
When I do it my florets look like this...

And the final product!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

2nd BodyRock Challenge Completed

Ok so I'm a little behind on this post but I finished my second BodyRock 30 Day Challenge. I realized I definitely wasn't as motivated as I was the first time. Although I definitely saw results in term of muscle tone I failed to really change my eating habits. Looking at the results from this challenge in comparison to the last is a real reminder of that saying that goes something like this...

Abs are made in the gym (or living room if you do BodyRock) and revealed in the kitchen.

So I promised I would post before and after pictures. There is not a huge difference but I can see subtle changes. I look at myself everyday so I'm not surprised if others don't notice. I do feel happier and stronger though. I did not enjoy losing all my muscle and having to start over again.

If you want to see the results from my First 30 Day BodyRock Challenge Before and After Picture click here. 30 Day Challenge before and after pictures. There was definitely a bigger difference as I focused on eating as well as working out and I think I was a bit more diligent with the workouts the first time around.

From now on I think I will be staying away from 30 Day Challenges. I get a little burnt out by the end of them and rather than sticking with it I take a break. I am going to focus on running again more with just a few days of the HIIT style workouts

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sweet and Savory Crusted Brussels Sprouts

More Brussels Sprouts! 

So I made brussels sprouts again because I am obsessed. These were so good and the crumb topping was awesome. Here are the quick and easy directions... if you want just normal baked ones go here

  • Brussels sprouts
  • Olive oil
  •  1 slice whole wheat bread (1 slice for every 12 or so sprouts)
  • Melted butter or margarine (about 1/4 cup)
  • Flavor of choice: I added about 2 Tbsp Blackberry Jam so a little sweet and savory
  • Parmesan cheese. I just use the crumbly stuff that comes in the shaker
  • Seasoning: salt, pepper, garlic powder, cayenne pepper
  • Heat oven to 425
  • Rinse, trim ends, and cut brussels sprouts in half
  • Place in pan and coat with olive oil and seasoning. Turn cut side down
  • Bake with cut side down for 10 minutes
  • While they are baking make your crumb topping:
    • If you have a food processor you can use that but I just took off the crust and rolled the piece of bread between my hands until they fell apart into little crumbs.
    • Add melted butter or margarine, a few good shakes of parmesan cheese, and 2 Tbsp of jam.
    • Mix together
  • Once they have cooked for 10 minutes pull out, flip so they are cut side up and add packed spoonfuls of topping to each one. I used my hands because it was easier that way
  • Bake for another 10 minutes
  • Enjoy :)

Friday, March 29, 2013

2nd BodyRock 30 Day Challenge - Week 3

Alright so I am going strong with this 30 Day Challenge as I near the end of week 3... For anyone keeping track I did take a week off because of travel so technically I would be on week 4 but I just started fresh Monday with theWeek 3 Fit Test.

I do have to admit that I have been making some variations. A lot of this month's (BodyRock February 2012 30 Day Challenge Start Here) challenge is pyramid style reps. I am not a fan and if I did all of the repetitions it would take me 40+ minutes. If you don't know what I'm talking about it goes like this: They give you 4-5 work outs and you do 10 reps of each, then on the next round you do 9 of each, then so on and so forth until you do 1 of each and you are done. It shouldn't take that long but it does. My solution... I am not going to lift weights/do resistance reps for 40 minutes so I just set a timer for 20 min or so and see how far up the pyramid I can make it. I would probably see more results if I did the whole work out but I figure I am also running occasionally now and 20 minutes is still pretty darn good vs nothing. If you have been frustrated with the rep/pyramid style work out too maybe that will work for you as well.

So speaking of running, and working out too I guess, I have realized how well my body has been able to get back to it. Even though I was dragging on that first day fit test I have been able to get back to doing most of my push ups normally and not on my knees. I also only started running again about 3 weeks ago and I was able to do 4 miles without stopping  the other day so I am feeling good. On a side note.... there are zero hills here so I am wondering how much of that has to do with being able to bounce back with the running, hmmm? Oh well!

I have started to see some changes in my body as well. Some of the definition is coming back now if only spot treating fat worked... it doesn't, no matter many how magazine ads or things say otherwise. If I could spot treat my love handles I would be all over it.

So to recap I am feeling good, almost done with week 3 so have just another week+ to go. I have no been as good with eating habits as the first 30 Day Challenge but I am still sticking with it and doing ok. Anyone else doing BodyRock??? A challenge?

My Motivation Today... Lose fat everywhere and I will lose it here... damn you love handles!